Episode 99

Striking the right pace in museum programmes: less is more

Published on: 18th May, 2023

Welcome to episode 99, where I'm diving into the concept of pacing in museum and gallery programmes, with a particular focus on the idea that "less is more."

Pacing directly influences the participant experience. A well-paced programme ensures that your participants stay engaged, attentive and receptive throughout their journey. 

By carefully managing the rhythm and flow of stops, activities and information, we can create a balance that keeps our participants engaged without overwhelming or exhausting them.

"Less is more" is a guiding principle that encourages us to intentionally selecting and presenting a smaller quantity of content, activities, or object, so that we can create more impactful and meaningful experiences for visitors. In this episode, I'll share how this can be achieved by:

  • Streamlining content with a carefully curated selection of objects or artworks.
  • Being selective, intentional, and thoughtful in programme design
  • Incorporating different paces
  • Allowing time for participants to engage
  • Customizing and adjusting pacing in the spur of the moment
  • Emphasizing quality over quantity

Find out why pacing matters and how you can apply the principle of "less is more" in your own programmes to create a more focused and engaged experience for your participants.


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Episodes mentioned in today's episode:

Episode 98 Radio Bart: Exploring Art with Blind Mediators

Episode 42 How to Read a Group

Episode 69 How to use body language to create engagement

Episode 95 How silence is a superpower in museum and gallery programmes

Episode 96 7 Ways to Make Time and Space for Silence

Episode 29 How to Develop a Reflective Practice

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The Art Engager
Engage your audience with art and ideas
The Art Engager podcast is here to help museum educators, guides and creatives engage their audiences with art, objects and ideas. Each fortnight I’ll be sharing a variety of easy-to-learn flexible techniques and tools to help you create participant-centred museum experiences that bring art and ideas to life.
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